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Walking for health: Start out on the right foot

A man and woman walk on a quiet street

Aug. 18, 2023— If you want to become more active but aren't sure how to begin, it doesn't get much simpler than walking. All you have to do is put on some comfortable clothes, slip on a good pair of shoes and then head out the door.

But if you want to make walking a major part of your fitness program, here are some things to keep in mind, based on advice from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and American Heart Association.

1. Pick the perfect posture. When you walk you should:

  • Stand up tall, with your abdominal muscles tight and your back straight.
  • Focus on the horizon, not the ground.
  • Swing your arms naturally as you walk.
  • Relax your shoulders.
  • Aim your toes forward.
  • Land on your heel, roll through the foot and push off from the toe.

2. Choose comfy clothes. Wear clothes and socks made of synthetic wicking fabrics that will draw the sweat away from your skin. If you're going to be walking in warm weather, wear light-colored clothing. On cool days, wear layers of clothing so you can peel them off as you warm up.

3. Wear shoes made for walking. They should be lightweight and breathable, with plenty of cushioning at the heel.

4. Warm up and stretch. Try walking in place or marching around the house. Stretch your calves, hamstrings, hips and chest before you set off on your walking workout.

5. Take it slow. If it's been a while, don't sweat your first walk. Begin by going for 10 or 15 minutes. You can gradually increase your time and distance in the days ahead. Don't walk too fast, either. If you can't carry on a conversation while you walk, you should slow down. If you do decide to speed up, do it by taking faster steps, not by stretching your natural stride.

6. Monitor your movement. Keep a log of your activity. Aim for at least 30 minutes a day most days of the week. But it's OK if you can't fit in more than five minutes here and 10 minutes there. After a while, your walking will become routine—a habit you won't want to break.

Now that you know the right way to walk, learn the health benefits of this simple exercise.

