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Aging better and happier

A smiling older couple hug as the woman playfully lifts the man's hat

Dec. 7, 2023—Getting older isn't the downer the stereotypes might have you believe. Despite the changes and the losses aging often brings, older adults tend to be happier with their lives and their mental well-being than their younger counterparts.

For example, according to reports from the American Psychiatric Association and AARP:

  • Older adults tend to have lower stress, anxiety and depression than their younger peers.
  • 8 out of 10 people over 50 say their mental health is as good as it was 20 years ago.
  • Self-reported happiness rises each decade after age 40 and spikes as people reach their 70s.

Live fully

What helps people age happily and successfully? The answers include having social connections and positive relationships, staying physically active, and finding new ways to live life with joy and purpose.

No matter where you are on your life's journey, here are a few of the steps experts say may help you ensure happy, healthy days ahead:

  • Keep moving. Exercising regularly can help counter the aches and pains of aging while improving your physical and mental well-being. Being healthier could make you optimistic about your future. From brisk walking to Pilates, explore activities and find some you enjoy.
  • Nourish your social connections. Having people to talk to, spend time with and support you is important. It protects against isolation, depression, loneliness and loss. Relationships need tending. So stay in touch with family, friends and your community. New connections matter too. Keep making new friends.
  • Give back to your community. Volunteering for a cause you care about can add purpose and satisfaction to your life.
  • Have a hobby. Maybe that's an activity you used to love years ago or one that's new to you. If you work less or you're retired, you may find you have more time to focus on pastimes you find interesting and fun. Joining a club or other group with similar interests could be a good way to get started.
  • Keep learning. Learn a new language, hone a new skill or take up a musical instrument you've always wanted to play. The possibilities are endless. In addition to boosting your joy, engaging your mind may help ward off memory and thinking problems.

Don't fall for these aging myths

You have to sort fact from fiction when it comes to aging well. To start, check out these 9 facts and myths.

